FIRE INSURANCE protects you against loss of or damage to the building structure of your property in the event of fire, lightning or domestic explosion, plus the extra perils below :-
- Plane Crash
- Earthquake
- Explosion
- Riot & Strike Damage
- Malicious Damage
- Overflowing Water Tanks
- Typhoon, Windstorm and Flood
- Burst Pipes
- Landslide & Subsidence
Ensure the sum insured for your property is adequate :
We will indemnify you with the reinstatement value or actual repair cost of your damaged Insured Property caused by an insured peril under the Fire Insurance policy. If your property is under-insured, the compensation will be less than the actual amount lost and subject to the percentage of the amount under-insured. If it is over-insured, you will not gain extra compensation, as claims are limited to the actual amount lost.
We will assist you in sending the original policy together with the official receipt to your designated bank or mortgagee, while a duplicate will be sent to you for record.
Insurance Calculator
Customer Service Hotline : 2828 7886
Email :
The information in this site is a general summary. Please refer to the actual policy for exact terms and conditions